Discernity is Expanding Its Customer Service Operations with SaviLinx
We here at Discernity understand that the customer comes first if we want to continue doing what we love, which is providing top-quality network services so that property owners and their tenants can enjoy the high-speed Internet they deserve. This is especially important as we come out of the pandemic and so many of our customers’ tenants work from home, at the properties we service. Continuing to invest in the resident experience is a top priority for us as the world continually moves online. As a result, we are striving to expand all of our operations to meet the needs of our customers, and one area of expansion that we are proud to announce is our customer service department.
This is made possible through a new partnership: We are excited to be partnering with SaviLinx, a women-led U.S. Contact Center that is based in Brunswick, Maine. Read on to find out more about this great customer service company, and why this partnership is exciting for our customers.
Savilinx Are Contact Center Experts
Founded in 2013 by SaviLinx CEO Heather D. Blease, SaviLinx is a company with a mission that can be summed up in Blease’s own words, who said she wanted to “build a company to help people.” Almost a decade after its founding, SaviLinx has made its founder’s dream a reality, helping customers day after day with unparalleled customer service solutions. The expert and experienced team at SaviLinx works with commercial businesses, such as Discernity, in addition to federal and state government agencies. Discernity selected Savlinx for many reasons. One is that the integration of our teams demands a similar culture. We will be working hand in hand together each day as SaviLinx supplements the Discernity employees who work behind the scenes to keep the residents connected. SaviLinx has a fantastic culture. They are one of us! We also chose to partner with SaviLinx because they are high-tech innovators who know the value of human connection in the world of customer service. We will cover below some of the technologically-advanced services our customers will have access to, along with a great staff of customer service representatives.
Why This Partnership Matters for Our Customers
Discernity customers will enjoy a range of benefits from this partnership, getting the best of both worlds when it comes to the human and high-tech aspects of modern customer service. You may have heard of chatbots, which is just one example of how artificial intelligence is changing customer communications. Chatbots speak to customers online and via text, and Through it’s partnership with SaviLinx, Discernity can now provide both human customer service representatives and AI chatbots to ensure that the whole range of customer service needs are met. For example, one of the major benefits of having AI and self-service platforms is 24/7 customer service availability, as well as immediate service with no wait times, no matter how many people are on the customer service lines. Both Discernity and SaviLinx understand that some problems are too complex to be adequately handled by self-service and AI platforms, which is why the human connection still plays a central role in our customer service offerings. Convenience and quality go hand-in-hand with Discernity’s new customer service solutions made possible by integrating our team with the great team at SaviLinx, and we hope our customers are as excited as we are at this new development.
Discernity’s Excellent Customer Service Solutions
For more information about our services, get in contact with us today!